Oleo Bone

Back in 1871, four creative kings embarked on a journey to create the first Colorado Springs SEO agency, building a legacy that has stood the test of time.

Denver SEO Agency

In the painting: Our visionary SEO founders, captured on day one, trying to learn Google’s algorithm.

Back in 1871, four creative kings embarked on a journey to create the first Colorado Springs SEO agency, building a legacy that has stood the test of time.

In the painting: Our visionary founders, captured on day one, trying to learn Google’s algorithm.

Welcome to Rank Kings. We’re a Colorado Springs SEO Agency & Design Studio Elevating Businesses for over 150 Years.

(Just go with it. It sounds good.)

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Welcome to Rank Kings!

We’re a Colorado Springs SEO Agency

Elevating Businesses for over 150 Years.

(Just go with it. It sounds good.)

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By working with Rank Kings, you’ll harness the expertise of a dedicated team, bolstered by esteemed partners who have collectively acquired:

Top 1% SEO Agency Award (LinkedIn)

2 Digital Agency of the Year Awards

1 Webby Awards, 2x Nominations

15 SEO and PPC Certifications

CSS Design Awards - Designer of the Year

1x Gold, 1x Wood 2x Merit Pencil Awards

28x FWA Awards

Rank Kings, where the power of strategic partnerships allows us to claim more awards than any other Colorado Springs SEO agency.




PAY-PER-CLICK Management













Colorado Springs SEO Services

Keyword Research & Strategy

Boost the impact of your optimization efforts with the right keywords. Our Colorado Springs SEO experts perform thorough keyword research to find the best keywords for your brand. This approach boosts your search engine rankings and brings in more organic traffic from highly relevant leads.

Link Building

Strengthen your SEO efforts with off-page tactics like link building. Our Colorado Springs SEO services include effective link-building campaigns that enhance your site’s credibility and drive more traffic. Expand your traffic sources and improve your search engine rankings with the expertise of our Colorado Springs SEO professionals.


Content Creation

Communicate your message clearly with compelling copywriting. Our Colorado Springs SEO company offers content writing services that create persuasive content to boost conversions and drive revenue growth. Whether it’s blog posts or case studies, our content team has the expertise and experience to produce high-quality content that delivers results.

On-Page SEO

Increase your leads and sales with expertly optimized landing pages. Our skilled Colorado Springs SEO professionals conduct thorough web page audits to enhance every aspect of your page for better conversions. With targeted adjustments, your site can attract more traffic and generate more leads.


Surpass your competitors and excel in local SEO with our Colorado Springs SEO agency. We optimize your business listings on platforms like Google My Business (GMB), Bing, and Yahoo to enhance your local online presence and attract more customers to your single or multi-location business. Our dedicated local SEO team delivers exceptional results that drive significant growth.

Technical SEO

Enhance your Colorado Springs SEO campaigns with a technically optimized website. Our Colorado Springs SEO services include technical SEO strategies that ensure optimal website performance and stability, improving visibility and conversions. We make sure your site loads quickly, is responsive, and stays secure.

Ecommerce SEO

Attract the right buyers to your eCommerce platform and reach your sales goals with our Colorado Springs SEO agency. We create a tailored eCommerce optimization strategy to present your products and services to your ideal customers. Our eCommerce-specific solutions will help you generate high-quality leads and increase conversions.

Amazon SEO

Ready to go from relatively unknown to a best-seller? Our Colorado Springs SEO agency has the skills to make it happen. With extensive experience in successful Amazon optimization projects, we can build your brand and position you ahead of your competitors. Our Colorado Springs SEO services provide exceptional results with Amazon-focused strategies.

Franchise SEO

Maintain consistent SEO performance across your multi-location stores with the help of our Colorado Springs SEO experts. We design and implement effective SEO campaigns that work seamlessly with enterprise-level applications. Establish a strong online presence and drive growth with the top franchise SEO services from Rank Kings.

Rank Kings Named 2024 Top SEO Company in Colorado Springs by Clutch

Clutch, a well-known B2B market research and reviews firm, has honored Rank Kings as a leading agency in Colorado Springs for 2024 in these categories:

Agencies earn this recognition through various criteria, such as their overall market presence and, most critically, client feedback. Thrive is proud to maintain a perfect 5.0 rating on Clutch.


SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, involves tactics to enhance the visibility and ranking of web pages in organic search results. The aim is to boost both the quantity and quality of traffic to a website through organic searches. Key aspects of SEO include: Keywords: Identifying and strategically using relevant keywords in website content, titles, meta descriptions, and URLs to improve relevance and ranking. Content Quality and Relevance: Creating high-quality, relevant content that answers users' questions or provides valuable information. Regular updates keep content useful and relevant. On-Page Optimization: Optimizing individual web pages with elements like title tags, headings, content, and internal links to rank higher in search engines. Off-Page Optimization: Actions taken outside your website, like link building from reputable sites, to improve search engine rankings. Technical SEO: Ensuring the site is technically sound for indexing and crawling by search engines, including site speed, mobile-friendliness, structured data, and proper use of robots.txt and sitemaps. User Experience (UX): Providing an excellent user experience through website design, navigation, and engaging, easily accessible content. Local SEO: Optimizing online presence to attract more business from relevant local searches, important for businesses serving local communities. Analytics and Monitoring: Regularly tracking website performance, traffic, rankings, and other metrics using tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to understand and improve SEO strategies. SEO is a constantly changing field, with search engines frequently updating their algorithms. Staying informed about these changes and adjusting strategies accordingly is essential for maintaining and improving search engine rankings.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) are key digital marketing strategies with different methods and objectives. SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Focus: SEO aims to improve a website's organic (non-paid) ranking in search results by making it more search engine friendly. Techniques: This includes keyword research and usage, creating high-quality and relevant content, on-page optimization (e.g., meta tags, headings, URL structure), technical SEO (e.g., site speed, mobile-friendliness), and off-page optimization (e.g., link building). Cost: Generally, SEO does not involve direct costs for traffic. Expenses are related to content creation and optimization, or hiring SEO experts. Timeframe for Results: SEO typically takes months to show results. Sustainability: SEO provides long-term benefits. A well-optimized site can maintain its ranking for a long time, even if SEO efforts are reduced. SEM (Search Engine Marketing): Focus: SEM is a broader term that includes SEO but mainly refers to gaining traffic and visibility through both paid and non-paid efforts. It often focuses on pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Techniques: This involves setting up and optimizing ads in search engines, keyword bidding, creating ad copy, and managing ad spend to maximize return on investment (ROI). Cost: SEM involves direct costs for traffic, as you pay for each click or impression on your ads. Timeframe for Results: SEM can drive traffic to your site immediately after your ads go live. Sustainability: Traffic from SEM is dependent on continued payment. Once you stop paying for ads, the traffic usually stops. In summary, SEO is about optimizing your website to improve organic search rankings and attract free traffic, while SEM includes paid strategies to quickly attract traffic through search engine ads. Both are crucial in a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, complementing each other to enhance overall search visibility and traffic acquisition.
An SEO audit is a thorough evaluation of a website to assess its performance in various search engine optimization (SEO) areas. The main goal is to identify foundational issues affecting organic search performance. It involves examining technical, on-page, and off-page elements to determine how well a website is optimized for search engines and where improvements can be made. Key components of an SEO audit include: Technical SEO Analysis: Checking website structure, URLs, and HTTPS usage. Assessing site speed, mobile-friendliness, and search engine accessibility. Ensuring proper use of robots.txt files and XML sitemaps. Identifying crawl errors or broken links. On-Page SEO Analysis: Evaluating content quality and relevance. Ensuring proper keyword usage. Analyzing title tags, meta descriptions, headers, and image alt attributes. Checking for duplicate content. Off-Page SEO Analysis: Assessing the backlink profile for quality and relevancy. Identifying harmful or spammy backlinks. Evaluating the brand’s online presence and authority. User Experience (UX) Review: Analyzing site navigation and layout for user-friendliness. Assessing the clarity and effectiveness of calls to action. Competitive Analysis: Comparing the website’s SEO strategy with competitors. Identifying gaps and opportunities in keyword targeting and content. Local SEO Evaluation (for local businesses): Checking local listings and citations for accuracy and consistency. Evaluating local search rankings and Google My Business profile. Compliance with Search Engine Guidelines: Ensuring the website adheres to search engine webmaster guidelines. Analytics and Reporting: Reviewing traffic patterns, conversion rates, and user behavior. An SEO audit can be conducted using various tools, from specialized SEO platforms to manual checks. The findings guide the development of a comprehensive SEO strategy to improve search rankings, increase organic traffic, and enhance the overall user experience. Regular SEO audits are recommended, as search engine algorithms and best practices evolve over time.
1. In-Depth Knowledge of the Colorado Springs Market: As a Colorado Springs-based agency, Rank Kings has a deep understanding of local market dynamics, consumer behavior, and competition. This enables us to tailor your SEO strategy to effectively reach your specific Colorado Springs audience. 2. Expertise in Local SEO: Our specialization in local SEO ensures your business shines in Colorado Springs-specific searches. We optimize your online presence for both general search engines and local directories important to Colorado Springs residents. 3. Personalized Service and Accessibility: As a local Colorado Springs agency, Rank Kings offers the convenience of face-to-face meetings and personalized service. We’re just a call or a short drive away, ready to discuss your SEO strategy in person. 4. Quick Adaptation to Local Trends: Colorado Springs' market trends can change rapidly. Our local presence allows us to quickly adjust your SEO strategy to stay ahead of the competition. 5. Building Local Partnerships: We leverage local connections and partnerships to benefit your business, from local link-building opportunities to collaborations with other Colorado Springs-based companies and influencers. 6. Cultural Relevance: Understanding Colorado Springs' cultural nuances, we ensure your content and marketing strategies resonate with the local audience, fostering a stronger connection with your customers. 7. Support for Colorado Springs' Economy: By choosing Rank Kings, you’re supporting the local economy. This not only helps foster community growth but also enhances your brand image among Colorado Springs residents. 8. Expertise in Colorado Springs' Competitive Landscape: We stay attuned to Colorado Springs' unique business environment, allowing us to develop SEO strategies that effectively counteract local competitors. 9. Compliance with Local Regulations: Our familiarity with Colorado Springs' regulations ensures that your SEO practices are effective and compliant with local laws. 10. Strong Focus on Results: Above all, Rank Kings is committed to delivering measurable results. We focus on increasing your website's visibility, driving relevant traffic, and boosting your sales and conversions. Choose Rank Kings, your local Colorado Springs SEO experts, to gain an edge in the Colorado Springs market with strategies that are tailored, effective, and resonate with your local audience.
Addressing common myths about SEO is crucial for clarifying misconceptions and providing accurate information. Here are some of the top myths about SEO: SEO is a One-Time Task: Some believe SEO is a one-off process. However, SEO requires continuous effort and adjustment to evolving search engine algorithms, market trends, and competitive environments. Keywords Are the Only Important Factor: Although keywords are significant, modern SEO encompasses much more. It involves user experience, content quality and relevance, site speed, mobile optimization, and various technical aspects. More Links Are Always Better: The quality of backlinks is more important than the number. A few high-quality, relevant links are better than many low-quality ones. Search engines may penalize sites for spammy or irrelevant link building. SEO Is Solely About Ranking: While high rankings are an objective of SEO, they are not the only goal. SEO also aims to attract the right audience, engage users, and drive conversions. Meta Tags Are Irrelevant: Although their role has changed, meta tags like title tags and meta descriptions still play a vital role in SEO by affecting click-through rates and helping search engines understand page content. SEO Delivers Instant Results: SEO typically takes time to produce results. It is a long-term strategy, and noticeable changes in search rankings can take several months. Social Media Does Not Affect SEO: While social signals (likes, shares) are not direct ranking factors, social media can indirectly impact SEO by increasing visibility, driving traffic, and boosting brand recognition. Duplicate Content Always Leads to Penalties: Duplicate content is not ideal, but it does not always result in penalties. Search engines may filter similar content, but penalties generally occur only for deceptive or manipulative practices. SEO is Only for Search Engines: Modern SEO is as much about optimizing for users as it is for search engines. User experience, content quality, and usability are essential components of successful SEO strategies. HTTPS is Optional for SEO: Google has confirmed that HTTPS is a ranking factor. Secure, encrypted connections are essential for website security and user trust, which impact SEO. By understanding and dispelling these myths, you can develop a more effective and informed SEO strategy.
Improving your SEO requires a combination of technical adjustments, content optimization, and off-site strategies. Here are essential steps to enhance your SEO: Conduct an SEO Audit: Begin by evaluating your current SEO performance, including your website’s structure, content, speed, mobile-friendliness, and backlinks. Keyword Research: Identify relevant keywords that your target audience searches for. Use these keywords strategically in your content without overstuffing. Optimize On-Page Elements: Content: Create high-quality, original, and informative content that adds value for your audience. Regularly update your content to keep it fresh. Meta Tags: Optimize title tags and meta descriptions with keywords to encourage click-throughs. Headers: Use header tags (H1, H2, H3) to effectively structure your content. URLs: Use clean, descriptive URLs with keywords where appropriate. Improve Website Performance: Speed: Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to identify and fix site speed issues. Mobile-Friendly: Ensure your site is responsive and provides a good user experience on mobile devices. Technical SEO: Site Structure: Maintain a clear, logical site structure with a well-organized sitemap. SSL/HTTPS: Secure your site with HTTPS for safety and a ranking boost. Crawl Errors: Use tools like Google Search Console to find and fix crawl errors. Quality Backlinks: Build a portfolio of high-quality backlinks from reputable and relevant sites. Avoid shady link-building practices. Local SEO (for local businesses): Optimize for local search terms. Claim and optimize your Google My Business listing. Get listed in local directories and gather local reviews. Social Media Engagement: While not a direct ranking factor, social media can drive traffic and amplify your content’s reach. Regular Monitoring and Analysis: Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track performance. Analyze data to understand what works and where there is room for improvement. Stay Updated with SEO Trends: SEO is constantly evolving. Stay informed about the latest trends and algorithm updates. User Experience (UX): Focus on providing a great user experience. Sites that are easy to navigate and engage users tend to perform better in search rankings. Content Marketing: Develop a content marketing strategy to consistently produce valuable content, which can help improve rankings and drive traffic. Improving SEO is an ongoing process. It involves making continual improvements and adjustments in response to changing algorithms, competition, and user behavior.

Looking to boost your Colorado Springs SEO strategy? Partner with Rank Kings and experience the impact of dedication, expertise, and strategic collaboration on your business. Our extensive services, including technical SEO, eCommerce optimization, and multi-location SEO, are designed to drive substantial growth for your business. Contact us now to start your journey towards enhanced visibility and higher conversions.


Visit our headquarters in Aurora, 15 minutes from downtown Denver, or send us a message. Your path to digital excellence in Colorado Springs starts here.