Oleo Bone

Welcome to Rank Kings!

We’re thrilled to have you on board and are eager to start working together to boost your online presence and drive your SEO success.

Before we dive into the exciting journey of optimizing your website and enhancing your digital strategy, we need to gather some essential access details. This will enable us to thoroughly analyze your current online standing and implement the most effective SEO tactics tailored for your needs.

Please provide us with login access or the necessary permissions for any of the following platforms:

WordPress Access:

  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Navigate to the ‘Users’ section on the left-hand sidebar.
  • Click ‘Add New’ at the top of the page.
  • Enter the required details for the new user:
  • Set the ‘Role’ dropdown to ‘Administrator’. This role will allow us full access to manage and update your website.
  • Click ‘Add New User’ at the bottom of the page.


  • Log in to your Shopify admin.
  • Go to ‘Settings’ at the bottom left of the page.
  • Click on ‘Plan and permissions’ or ‘Users and permissions’, depending on your Shopify version.
  • In the ‘Staff’ section, click ‘Add staff’.
  • Enter our details: Name (Rank Kings Developer) and Email ([email protected]).
  • Assign us the necessary permissions to manage your store. We recommend ‘Products’, ‘Apps’, ‘Themes’, and ‘Settings’.
  • Click ‘Send invite’.


  • Log in to your Wix account.
  • Go to ‘Settings’ and select ‘Roles & Permissions’.
  • Click on ‘Invite People’, enter our email address ([email protected]), and assign us the role of ‘Website Manager’.
  • Click ‘Send Invite’.

Google Analytics:

  • Sign in to your Google Analytics account.
  • Click ‘Admin’, and navigate to the desired account under ‘Account User Management’.
  • Click ‘+’, then ‘Add users’, enter our email address ([email protected]), and assign us the ‘Edit’ permission.
  • Click ‘Add’.

Google Search Console:

  • Log in to Google Search Console.
  • Select your property and go to ‘Settings’, then ‘Users and Permissions’.
  • Click ‘Add User’, enter our email address ([email protected]), and select ‘Full’ permission.
  • Click ‘Add’.

Google Ads:

  • Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  • Click the ‘Tools & Settings’ icon in the top right corner.
  • Under ‘Setup’, select ‘Account access’.
  • Click the blue ‘+’ button and then select ‘Invite other users’.
  • Enter our email address (ppc@rankkings.com) and choose the access level ‘Admin’ or ‘Standard’ depending on your preference.
  • Click ‘Send Invitation’.

Domain Hosting (e.g., GoDaddy):

  • Log in to your GoDaddy account.
  • In the ‘Account Settings’ menu, select ‘Delegate Access’.
  • Click ‘Invite to Access’ and enter our email address ([email protected]).
  • Choose the access level as ‘Products & Domains’ to grant us the ability to manage your hosting and domain settings.
  • Click ‘Invite’. We will receive an email invitation to accept delegate access.

Social Media Access:

If your package includes social media marketing, or if you’re interested in tracking social media statistics, we will also require access to your social media platforms. This will enable us to manage your accounts effectively and provide comprehensive analytics and reporting.


  • Log in to Facebook and go to your Page.
  • Click ‘Settings’ at the top of your Page.
  • Select ‘Page Roles’ in the left column.
  • Under ‘Assign a New Page Role’, enter our email address ([email protected]) and select the role (e.g., ‘Editor’ or ‘Admin’).
  • Click ‘Add’ and follow the on-screen instructions.


  • Ensure your Instagram account is converted into a Business Account.
  • Go to your profile and tap ‘Edit Profile’.
  • Under ‘Public Business Information’, select ‘Page’.
  • Choose the Facebook Page linked to your Instagram account.
  • Add us as an admin to the linked Facebook Page (as mentioned above), which will automatically give us access to your Instagram Business Account.


  • Sign in to YouTube and go to your channel’s account settings.
  • Under ‘Channel’, select ‘Add or remove managers’.
  • Click ‘Manage Permissions’.
  • If prompted, sign in and choose your account.
  • Click the ‘Invite New Users’ icon at the top right and enter our email address ([email protected]).
  • Choose a role (e.g., ‘Manager’ or ‘Editor’) and click ‘Invite’.


  • Open TikTok and go to your profile.
  • Tap the three dots in the top-right corner and select ‘Manage Account’.
  • Under ‘Safety’, tap ‘Trusted Device Management’.
  • Enter our email address ([email protected]) and follow the on-screen instructions to grant access.

Providing access to these social media platforms will enable us to deliver an integrated marketing strategy across all your digital channels. As with your website and search engine platforms, we assure the highest level of confidentiality and security with your social media accounts.

Should you have any questions or require assistance with granting these accesses, please feel free to reach out. We’re here to support and guide you through every step of this process.   

NOTE:  If you would like to have us integrate any other items you use into the dashboard such as your email marketing, shopping cart, merchant account, etc.  Just let us know and we will send the instructions.